Our Store Turns 2!

When I started working for I Say Organic in 2013, never did I think that two years later I’ll be launching its first flagship store in...

#ISayFreshhhh – I Say Organic’s Fresh New Look is Here!

30+ people 200+ products 500+ days ∞ amounts of learning and fun! It’s been an adventurous journey - full of trial, error and...

10 Healthy flours to use in your kitchen for your family

Are you looking for healthy flour alternatives to choose from! Living a healthy lifestyle is very much important for people belonging to all age groups. That is why it is worth using alternative  healthy flour types substitutes for your favourite recipes. These ingredients can help you lose weigh...

Know more about Organic Black Rice - Nutritional Facts, Uses & Benefits

Rice is a staple food in Indian households and invariably everyone enjoys their favourite curries with rice. Rice is available in several varieties like white rice, brown rice and black rice. Traces of this variety of rice is found back in China when they consumed black rice for several ailments...

Reasons To Eat Organic Seasonal Fruits

Our eating habits and the food we consume largely determine how we feel and look. The best way to have a healthy body and sound mind is to eat the right food at the right time. If you have ever heard your mother or grandmother encouraging you to eat a particular fruit during a season, it’s becaus...

All about Apple Cider Vinegar - Benefits & Uses

Famous as a popular home remedy for years in almost all households, apple cider vinegar contains major medicinal uses such as antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. It is a pantry staple which comes with a long list of health advantages. The blog here lists out the major benefits & uses assoc...

Is Desi Ghee good for health?

Desi ghee is India's heritage and a staple of food. Going down memory lane, we will realize that our diet was loaded with dairy products when we were kids. Remember how our elders used to mention their benefits in our overall development? But as we grow older, we try to get aware of the products...